Bonnie came to the Lord as a child at a Vacation Bible School and for several years she traveled coast to coast and sang with her Gospel singing family, the Singing Edwards. During these years, she developed her gifts of song writing and her love for making music. After a year of Bible School, Bonnie married Jerry Wallace and together they ministered for 40 years, mostly to children, using art and music to convey the message of the good news. Since Jerry passed away in 2020, Bonnie continues their work singing at churches and senior’s homes. You can find Bonnie’s children’s program called, “Bible Time with Bonnie” on utube. Jerry and Bonnie have six children, and tengrandchildren. She currently lives in Winchester, Ontario. Her greatest desire is to be pleasing to Him, her Saviour and King – to lift up the name of Jesus.
Bonnie Wallace
The Gallagher Family
The Gallaghers have been singing together since Dad & Mom (Alan & Debbie) met on their first day of college in London, Ontario, where both were studying Music Industry Arts. Debbie had already been performing with her family (Acres Family Singers) throughout Eastern Ontario and the northern U.S., and once married, Alan joined the group. After the birth of their first child, Caileigh, Alan & Debbie continued to perform at churches, fairs and community events as a couple. As more children arrived, they gradually moved on stage as well. A constant change in instrumentation as the kids become more proficient adds to the variety of their show. Alan plays rhythm guitar while Ryan plays rhythm, lead and banjo. Rhiannah plays bass and ukelele while Colin keeps the beat with percussion instruments from drums, to bohdran and cajon. Debbie plays keyboards and Caileigh takes the lead vocals with occasional fill-ins on drums, keyboards and rhythm instruments, as needed. As the family grows, they blend their family-friendly, faith-filled performances with familiar and original music.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son,so that everyone who BELIEVES in him may not perish but may have eternal life
Rooted deeply in a rich legacy of Gospel music, Ron & Evelyn Snider, and Terena Grice teamed uptogether to form VOCAL LEGACY, a Contemporary Southern Gospel Trio best known for their strongharmonies and heartfelt lyrics. Their passion is to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Since the group’s formation in 2012, VOCAL LEGACY continues to expand their ministry territory beyond their home base of the greater Kingston area to encompass Southern Ontario. Following the highly, successful release of their debut album ‘TAKE ONE’ in 2018, and a second project in 2020, ‘DOIN’ WHAT’S RIGHT’, the group has returned to the studio in 2023 to begin a third project. Song selections feature the very heart of this group. Joy, Grace, Mercy, and Gratitude – a common thread found in every concert. VOCAL LEGACY is a group you will want to follow for sure.
Vocal Legacy
Gate47's passion for music and love for the Lord has led us on an amazing journey. The newest chapter in our faith-filled journey has allowed us to complete this video. We'd like to extend our thanks to all those involved and of course to God for making it all possible.
Pastor Bruce North
Linda King and the Warrens
Linda King’s (lead vocals and guitar) love of music came through her father, Bob Slater. As an 8 year old she acconpanied her Dad in many professional settings. After many years of playing in country bands, Linda now has dedicated her gift of music to the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Sherry Warren (Keyboard, vocals) began playing piano at 5, taught by her beloved Grandmother. Shelly has shared her gift of music for 40 years as a worship leader and a teacher to many. As a founding member of Linda King and the Warrens her formost desire is the Glorify God through her music.
Steve Warren (Bassist and vocalist) Began playing bass at 15 and has played Gospel music for various bands throughout Ontario and western Canada. Steve’s desire is that his love for the Lord. will shine through their music.
Dave and Courtney Johnston
David is a native of Ottawa, Ontario Canada. He is the grandson of the late Rev. Gerald & Alice Burtch. After graduating high school, David attended Free Gospel Bible Institute in the States. Upon graduation, he traveled with Evangelists Rev. & Mrs. Mike Blue for one summer, playing piano and assisting in Kid’s Crusades.
David is also a website designer and part-time EMT. Courtney is currently traveling with her parents in Ministry. She also is the Marketing Director for her Dad’s website design business. If you have any questions regarding websites and/or marketing, feel free to contact her. God has blessed Courtney with a wonderful talent for writing songs as well as a beautiful voice with which to sing them for the Lord. She also loves playing drums and piano. Courtney has helped her parents for many years in Kids Crusades and is an effective Children’s Minister.
Courtney can be reached at redhead4jesus@gmail.com
or 417-274-4120.
We are a trio of 3 women who love to sing Gospel music. Our music speaks to the heart and our lyrics lift the name of Jesus. The music we sing is a reflection of our faith and the hope that we have in Christ. We trust it will inspire others to seek Him and find the peace and joy that only He can give.hatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
New Journey
‘‘whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14
This team grew up in radically different environments. Daphne and Joe were drawn together through friendship, their love of music, and a passion for Christ. Their mission is to make Jesus Christ known through their music and to day hear Him say “Well done good and faithful servant.”
Daphne and Joe met at church, became friends, and began to serve in worship and music ministry. It soon became evident that dynamic and life changing music would evolve as a result of these two writing and collaborating together. With songs like “I Love You Lord”, “Merry Christmas”, and “Live to Worship”, Daphne and Joe began to connect with the hearts and desires of many people, the desire to find fulfillment in life
Daphne has been heavily influenced by the likes of Amy Grant and Bebe and Cece Winans, while Joe has been influenced by Edward VanHalen, Gary Moore and Dan Huff. Out of the completely different musical styles there has emerged a unique and effective music which connects with the heart of the worshipper, and communicates hope to the heart of the seeker.
Both Joe and Daphne were born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Daphne, from a church-going, bible-believing background, and Joe, from a non-practicing, religious background. After a life-changing experience with God, joe was radically transformed and began to use his guitar talents for the glory of God. “As I got older, I began to realize that things weren’t bringing fulfillment in my life and that no matter what I had or attained, it was meaningless and empty”. Daphne says, “Growing up in church has been good for a number of reasons. It has taught me to have a strong faith, has caused me not to sway in my beliefs and it has also taught me not to put my faith in people but to always look to Jesus who is infallible
As you listen to their music, their prayer is that you wold be blessed, encouraged, and that you would know that there is a God who loves you. God can forgive your past, give you purpose in the present, and can secure your future. Trust in Jesus
Tod Boutillier
Cynthia and I live in Addington Highlands where we homestead a small hobby farm. We started a ministry a year and a half ago in the town of Northbrook with a focus on sharing the gospel message. Our focus is evangelism and seeing people set free from the strangle holds of sin. We serve a big God that has a purpose for each and every one of us. Hallelujah!