Meet Your Host!!

The Headrick Family emigrated from Scotland to the Lanark Family Farm in 1831. Gord along with his 2 sisters are the 6th generation on the land. The farm and the Mississippi River have been important links in keeping the generational family connections strong. The Christian faith beginning in a Presbyterian Heritage has been very evident throughout all the generations.Gordons heart is for Kingdom service and his desire is to see a turning back to the only true Freedom, that which comes through Jesus Christ. Gordon and his family, welcome us all to share in the blessing of the land, at Mississippi Freedomfest!!


Mississippi Freedomfest is a series of Christian Festivals held in the beautiful scenic setting of the Lanark Highlands just outside of Lanark Ontario June 29th and July 27th 2024.

This is a free event for the entire family with great activities and vendors along with awesome Christian bands, great messages and fellowship. More than a great free day of fun and fellowship MIssissippi Freedomfest wishes to demonstrate, express and share the promised Freedom we each receive through the Grace of God and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Saviour!!

Mississippi Freedomfest is committed to the continued proclamation of Freedom as we navigate together through the issues of this world keeping our eyes fixed on the only one in who’s name we are saved-Christ Jesus. We believe transformed people have the opportunity to transform our communities, our country and the world!

Please mark it on the calendar, tell all your freinds and plan on joining us for 2 great days of Family fun this summer. God Bless!!

Mississippi Freedomfest will be accepting food donation for the Lanark Food Bank.

Free will offerings to help support our event are greatly appreciated!!